How do you pivot?

2 min readJan 8, 2021

For the ones that considered the majority of 2020 to be a dumpster fire, the first full week of 2021 has brought about hope and optimism and the time to reflect and look forward to writing the next chapter.

As I think about my own goals and resolutions for 2021, I am drawn to the word that will continue to shape the next few months: pivot. We have witnessed an overwhelming need to pivot in our lives. This is true in both our personal and professional lives. It’s true for our children, our parents, our neighbors, our families, and for our friends.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

They say when life hands you lemons that you should make lemonade. I actually think they should say “when life shuts down, you find a way to survive.” My goals for 2020 seem like a lifetime ago, and in some ways, it feels like I didn’t accomplish anything. I have to remind myself that we’re here, continuing to survive, learning to pivot every day.

We’ve lost so much over these past ten months. Many have lost jobs, loved ones, houses, and the ability to move throughout the World at ease. We’ve gained time, a new appreciation for the outdoors, and the confidence to know that we can pivot when need be.

Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

I have hopes for 2021, but not goals or resolutions, because I’m learning that life can throw a lot at you and it’s up to you to determine how you will handle it.




Strategic comms and COO to #thecolesreport. I write about working moms, mental health, and daily lifeisms. Find me on the gram @sugermelia